This is going to be an audit of sorts. I want to make sure there is a source attached to the following life events:
Birth Date
Birth Place
Death Date
Death Place
I chose to "audit" one of my great-grandmothers, Jennie Margaret Myers. There are two ways to do this. The first is to click on edit next to each fact. This could work for all the facts except children. The second way is to go into sources and match the sources up that way.
Here is a look at the first method if I click edit on her birth information.

I can already see a discrepancy that I need to look into further by looking at the sources. Her birth date listed is 3 January 1892. I see the first census may support that but I also see that Find A Grave says her birth year is 1890. And I can't see just by looking at this that she was born in Williamsport. I need to look through some sources!

On this Find A Grave site, there is no proof from her headstone to support the 3 Jan 1890 that someone put on there. The stone itself says 1892. On her death certificate, it says 3 Jan 1890, but I am going to go with the year that is on her headstone. So this is actually inconclusive. The informant was her daughter so I would hope her daughter knew her mother's birth date but that doesn't explain why the stone has a different year. I am going to do more research later. As far as birthplace, her death certificate says the town of Williamsport so that checks out with what is listed in Family Search.
Next, let's see if we can find proof of her marriage. Her profile says she was married in 1914 so I want to see if any sources are from 1914. Go to the sources page and it will look like this:

I can see there is a record for 1914! This is from Ancestry so when I click the link it takes me over there. That data checks out! She and Cecil were married on Christmas in 1914. Next is the kids. I think the easiest way to do this is with census records. You can see them in the source picture above. The census records for 1920, 1930, and 1920 show all three children that were listed. It is possible they had a child that died young, and those are often hard to find unless there are church records or a death certificate.
Lastly, let's see if we can find conclusive evidence on the death date and place. We can use Find a Grave and her death certificate for this as well and this time they agree! So death date and place check out. There is a simple audit. We found that we could look for more evidence for a birth date, but other information has pretty solid sources proving these facts.